Services and Teaching
Academic Services
- Series Organizer: Social Presence in Virtual Event Spaces Seminar Series. Feb. 2022 – April 2022
- Workshop Organizer: Methods for Family-Centered Design: Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice. CHI’24. May. 2024. Honolulu, HI, USA
- SIG Organizer:
- Towards Responsible Use of Large Multi-Modal AI to Analyze Human Social Behaviors. CSCW’24. Nov. 2024. San José, Costa Rica
- Ethics of Emerging Communication and Collaboration Technologies for Children. CSCW’23. Oct. 2023. Minneapolis, MN, USA
- Student Volunteer: UbiComp/ISWC’18, IUI’22, IEEEVR’23, IDC’23, CSCW’23
- Reviewer Experience: CHI’20-25, CHI’Play 23, IDC’20-23, UbiComp’21, DIS’20-23, TEI’21-22, CSCW’21-24*,25, CSCL’24, MM 22, TOCHI, IJC&E, IJCCI, TVCG (* means special recognitions for outstanding reviews)
- Committee member (Area Chair): CHI’24-25, CSCW’24-25, CSCL’24, Ubicomp’24 Poster, ChineseCHI’25.
- Journal Guest Editor: Frontiers in Computer Science
Paper Presentations
- “Interaction Forms of Collaborative VR Video Learning: An Exploratory Study”. In the 2024 International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL’24). Buffalo, NY, USA.
- “Is Your Family Ready for Virtual Reality? Ethical Concerns and Design Considerations in Children’s VR Use”. In the 2024 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC’24). Delft, Netherlands.
- “Virtual Reality, Real Pedagogy: A Contextual Inquiry of Instructor Practices with VR Video”. In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’24). Honolulu, HI, USA.
- “Collaborative Online Learning with VR Video: Roles of Collaborative Tools and Shared Video Control”. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’23). Hamburg, Germany.
- “Socio-technical Opportunities in Long-Distance Communication Between the Siblings with a Large Age Difference”. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’23). Hamburg, Germany.
- “How Will VR Enter University Classrooms? Multi-stakeholders Investigation of VR in Higher Education.” In Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’22). New Orleans, LA, USA.
Invited Talks and Workshop Presentations
- “Enhancing Experiential Learning: The Potential of Interactive Volumetric Video for Edu-Larp.” CHI ’23 Edu-larp Workshop (Hamburg). April 28.
- “Designing for Equity: Creating Accessible and Inclusive Educational Virtual Reality.” CHI ’23 Inclusive Metaverse Workshop (Hamburg). April 23.
- “Playing for Real: Opportunities of Using AR to Empower the Remote Playing for Distributed Family” IDC ’21 Smart Toys workshop (Virtual). June 26.
- “Touch the Music: Using Tangible Programming Tools for Children Music Creation.” CHI ’20 Where Art Meets Technology Workshop (Virtual). April 25.
- “Opportunities and Challenges in Social Virtual Reality for Pain Alleviation.” CHI ’20 Social Virtual Reality Workshop (Virtual). April 26.
- “Building the Future of Educational VR: Towards an Immersive and Social Learning Experience.” TxHCI Seminar, UMN CSE REU, CMU, Rising Stars Cohort at the University of Iowa, ETH, UIUC, UKY, FSU, NCSU, TAMU, IUPUI.
Teaching Experience
- Teaching Assistant: User Interface Design (CSCI 5115), CS&E Department, UMN