MoMoBot: Social Robots for Remote Communication
Social connections are known to have a long-term positive impact on human health and well-being. Strong social connections can help reduce loneliness and lead to an increased chance of longevity. Friends and family play an important role in people’s social life, as they provide a variety of support through shared activities and companionship. However, for people who are geographically separated from their family and friends, maintaining a high-quality social connection can be challenging. Taking the advantages of the tractable and interactivity of toioTM, we proposed a system named MoMoBot to support remote social communication and connection based on the toioTM robotic platform. MoMoBot serves as a communication medium between people at a distance, aiming to enrich the social interactions between distributed friends and family members by providing a variety of ambient awareness and social cues.
Cite this work: Qiao Jin, Ye Yuan. 2021, MoMoBot: Social Robots for Remote Communication. The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) Student Innovation Contest.