Virtual Reality, Real Pedagogy: A Contextual Inquiry of Instructor Practices with VR Video

Virtual reality (VR) offers promise in education given its immersive and socially engaging nature, but it can pose challenges for educators when creating VR-specific content. VR videos can function as a new educational tool for VR content creation due to their creation affordability and user-friendliness. However, little empirical research exists on how educators utilize VR videos and associated pedagogy in real classes. Our research employed a contextual inquiry, through in-person interviews and online surveys with 11 instructors to gain practical insights into teaching scenarios for VR videos. Our study aims to understand the factors that motivate instructors’ adoption of VR videos, identify challenges educators face when incorporating VR videos into instructional units, and examine pedagogical adjustments when integrating VR videos into teaching. Through empirical evidence, we provide design implications for the development of VR-based learning experiences across diverse educational contexts. Our study also serves as a practical case of how VR can be adopted and integrated into education.


Cite this work: Qiao Jin, Yu Liu, Ye Yuan, Bo Han, Feng Qian, Svetlana Yarosh. 2024, Virtual Reality, Real Pedagogy: A Contextual Inquiry of Instructor Practices with VR Video. In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24). (To appear)