Work With Me
I will be joining North Carolina State University at 2024 Fall. I have 2 phd positions and 1 posdoc position opening with me. Please
I am always looking to work with enthusiastic students! I particularly encourage students from any of the underrepresented groups in Computer Science to talk to me about potential projects. I encourage you to reach out to me via email after submitting your application, to tell me a little bit more about yourself and why you are interested in working with me.
For Ph.D , whom I accept directly to work with me, will have funding as a fellowship, RAship, or TAship through the first 5 years (10 semesters) of their Ph.D. as long as they are making acceptable progress in the program. For Ph.D. students who want to join my lab, but are not directly accepted by me into the program will not be guaranteed funding, but I will certainly recommend you for TA positions when appropriate.
Application: Please apply through the CS department.
For postdoc researcher: We invite highly qualified postdoctoral candidates to become part of our lab. We are particularly interested in those who focus on developing collaborative and educational programming tools. We anticipate that the successful candidates will aim to publish their research in academic communities such as CHI, CSCW, L@S, AIED or other related platforms. Please feel free to reach out to us directly.
Undergraduate and Master Students at NCSU
I am not accepting undergraduate and master students until start next auguest 2025.